Mexican migration chief accused of unlawful practice after deadly fire

Mexican prosecutors on Tuesday formally accused Mexico’s top migration official with unlawful practice in public office, a criminal offense, over a fire at a government detention center that killed 40 migrants, according to Mexican media. Francisco Garduno, head of the National Migration Institute (INM), is the highest-ranking official to be formally accused in the case,…

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Biden’s labor nominee accused of harming Uber, Lyft, others in Senate hearing

 President Joe Biden’s nominee for U.S. labor secretary, Julie Su, was attacked by Republican lawmakers as she testified before a Senate panel on Thursday for allegedly dismantling the gig economy and hurting companies such as Uber and DoorDash Industry groups that represent such companies employing gig labor have launched an aggressive campaign to oppose her nomination. They worry…

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Brazil’s government takes measures to boost consumer and capital market credit

 Brazil’s government announced a package of 13 measures on Thursday to ease consumer access to credit and reduce associated costs in the capital and insurance markets, a move the new leftist administration hopes will boost investment and revitalize a slowing economy. Among the measures is the federal government’s proposal to provide counter-guarantees for public-private partnership…

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China’s CCTV slams Western hype of its population decline

 Western media reports on China’s population being overtaken by India deliberately ignores China’s development, using the topic to “bad mouth” it and advocate decoupling, state broadcaster CCTV said on Thursday. CCTV’s sharply worded commentary said the subtext from Western media in recent years was that China’s development was in “big trouble” and that when China’s…

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